How to export an Application from your environment or import a new Application to your environment
Exporting an Application
Navigate to Build > Applications and find the Application you want to export.
Click the Gear icon to the right of the Application name, then click Export Application.
After confirming "Export" in the pop-up modal, it will download a configuration of the Application as a JSON file.
Note: By default, the exported Application will take the name of the Application with “(Copy)” added at the end. The name of the exported Application can be altered by clicking on the pencil icon adjacent to it. Similarly, Permission Sets, Jobs, Table Reports, Dashboards, and Layouts can be renamed or excluded by utilizing the pencil icons and checkbox options adjacent to their names.
Note: Applications containing JIRA workflows cannot be exported
If your Application includes a JIRA workflow, you must contact LogicGate Support for assistance with exporting this application.
You may choose remove the JIRA workflow, however this will permanently impact your data. The data from your JIRA workflow will not be restored even if you recreate it later.
Importing an Application
To import an Application, navigate to the bottom of the Build > Application screen. Click the Import from Saved File link to expand the import section.
Then drag and drop the file or browse from your local drive to import a Risk Cloud Application.
An Application import will include the following items:
Workflows, Steps, and Paths in the Application. Not included: Workflow links and Relationship Reports pointing to Workflows in other Applications. Conditions that reference a specific User in the condition value. Users mapped to a User Field and default values for attachment fields.
Jobs associated with this Application. Not included: Jobs with message recipients or an operations assignee that points to a specific User or Operations that points to a specific Record.
Visual Reports and Dashboards associated with this Application. Not included: Visual Reports on Dashboards that are from other Applications.
Table Reports that only contain data from the Application being copied. Not included: Filters that point to specific Users.
Permission Sets associated with the Application.
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