Add Builder Process Access controls and more!
Note: Information in this article may be outdated. Please refer to relevant links for latest information.
Process Builder Access Controls
We are excited to announce that you can now restrict build access permissions for each process to individual users in your account! By default, all users with access to Build will have the ability to modify any Process. To enable further access controls, you can select specific users to have access to modify or view a process. This level of granularity is valuable when you have multiple functional teams or departments managing processes within one LogicGate environment.
Learn more about process builder access here.
Multiple Browser Tabs
While you were previously limited to 4-5 browser tabs before encountering performance issues in LogicGate, our latest release will allow you to have LogicGate open in an infinite* number of browser tabs.
* please don’t
Visual Report Improvements
Description Field
You can now provide your end users with more context when viewing a Visual Report. Now you can simply add a description in the Report Settings tab of the Visual Report and it will appear below your chart.
Field Color Matching
When you create multiple visual reports that reference the same discrete field*, each chart will now use the same color when referring to the same field value. This update should make your Visual Reports more readable and intuitive when displayed alongside other reports in a dashboard, allowing end users to quickly extract valuable insights.
* the following are discrete field types: checkbox, multi select, radio, and select
Sample Sizes
All Visual Reports will now show the number of records in the dataset used to build the chart. This information will show up next to the title of the report when viewed separately or in a dashboard.
Calculation Deletion Warnings
In LogicGate, objects you create may depend on other objects in your environment. One example is a calculation that is dependent on its many input fields. With Calculation Deletion Warnings, when a builder attempts to delete a field, they will receive a warning if any calculation field that uses that field as an input will be affected by its deletion. This is the first of many changes that we hope will better inform users of the consequences of creating and deleting objects.
Reassign Records to External Users
Save time when working with third-parties by easily re-assigning a record directly to an external user while viewing it. This feature will allow you to more quickly assign work to the right users without having to move a record through a workflow.
Copy an External User Link within a Record
You and other admins can now easily copy the unique URL that external users need in order to complete their work from a record. Simply click the copy icon in the header of the record to copy the URL to your clipboard. You may still view all records assigned to an external user, you can also navigate to the external user’s profile under the Admin > Users section of your LogicGate application. This will allow you to more quickly direct your external users to their work.
Add Multiple Filters on Record Name
We received feedback that it would be useful to filter Table Reports to a set of records by their record name, which is the system-generated unique identifier for each record. You can now add multiple “equals” filters in the Record Name field for any workflow included in your Table Report.
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