How to set up Power BI to pull data from a Risk Cloud Table Report automatically.
After loading/importing the Power BI Template file, LogicGate_EXAMPLE_Extract to PowerBI.pbit (reach out to for the file), you will see a screen that looks like the below. You will need to enter (1) your OAuth 2.0 client; (2) your OAuth 2.0 secret; (3) your Risk Cloud environment URL; and (4) the Table Report ID you would like to extract data from.
To find the Client and Secret, within Risk Cloud, you can navigate to your User Profile via the User icon at the top-right corner of your screen. There, flip to the Access Key key tab and you will see your Client and Secret.
You can obtain your Table Report ID from the URL in your browser window after navigating to a Table Report, as shown below.
Note: The Table Report ID is the last eight digits of the URL. In the image above this is D7r2TCSR (this will be different for your Table Report).
Once you have all that information, you can then enter it into the Power BI template similar to the below:
From there, it will load all your table report data into a table in Power BI.
Lastly, you can use that information to build reports, add additional data sources from other internal systems, and more!
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