Enable Sharepoint
To set up the SharePoint integration in Risk Cloud, you must have it enabled by our Product Support team. Please contact support@logicgate.com or your LogicGate Customer Success representative to begin the process.
You'll need to provide your SharePoint subdomain (e.g., enter "company" for "company.sharepoint.com").
Once the integration is enabled, Risk Cloud Admin users can update the subdomain from the "Admin" > "Integrations" page. After activation, users will be able to add SharePoint attachments directly through attachment fields within Risk Cloud.
Using Sharepoint Integration with Attachment Fields
Once enabled, users will see an option to add a SharePoint attachment when they are on a Record. To do this, add an Attachment Field to a Record and click "Browse Files."
When the integration is disabled, users will not see the SharePoint option when clicking "Browse Files" and will not be able to add SharePoint documents to the field.
After clicking "SharePoint," a modal will appear to complete the SharePoint authentication flow. Authentication must be completed to access SharePoint files. This authentication is done on an individual user basis and will grant access to the specific user's SharePoint account.
Once authenticated, users will be able to see their SharePoint files via the SharePoint Picker interface. The file of interest can be selected and added to the attachment field.
After the file is added to the attachment field, users can open the document and make edits in Microsoft Office Online.
Other Notes
We do not store SharePoint documents in Risk Cloud for this use case. This integration essentially provides a link to SharePoint. Downloading is not allowed to ensure Risk Cloud users cannot bypass SharePoint permissions.
Clicking on the document title or "Edit in SharePoint" will open the document in a new tab. "Rename" will rename the document in Risk Cloud but NOT in SharePoint. "Delete" will delete the document from Risk Cloud but NOT from SharePoint.
Documents added via SharePoint Integration cannot be directly downloaded from Risk Cloud to prevent circumventing SharePoint permissions. The download button in Risk Cloud will only appear for documents directly uploaded, not for those added via SharePoint.
Public Users will be unable to upload Sharepoint documents on Public Records.
Sharepoint documents will not appear in Message Operations that include that attachment field in the body of the Message (Email, Slack, etc.).
Disable Sharepoint Integration
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