Defining default Workflow routing and Conditional Path Logic
What are Paths?
Paths define the routing of a Record as it moves between the Steps of a Workflow. Paths can be configured by navigating to the bottom of each Step's configuration screen.
Default Next Path
Each Step can have a Default Next Path which determines where the Record will be routed by default. Default Next Paths are denoted on the Application Canvas by gray arrows between Steps.
Configuring your Default Next Path
You can configure Paths within the Step Editor by:
Allowing the current assignee to
Re-assign the Record to an Application user upon submission. In such a scenario, the user submitting the Record has some discretion regarding who the assignee should be. This setting allows the current assignee to select a user from a specified list. Only users with access to the next Step will be available to be selected.
Re-assign the Record to an external user upon submission. For example, as part of a Third-Party Risk Management assessment, an external vendor will have to fill out a questionnaire. This setting allows the current assignee to send that questionnaire to someone outside of their organization.
Leave the record unassigned upon submission.
Automatically designating the next assignee by
Creating a User Field to drive the Record assignee upon submission. For example, a Workflow can have a User Field titled "Risk Owner," and every time a risk is submitted, the Risk Owner is automatically assigned to the Record.
Auto-assigning the Record to the current assignee upon submission. For example, if there is a Workflow in which a question needs to answered in one Step and sign an attestation in the very next Step, the Record can be auto-assigned to the current assignee upon submission so that the user is not redirected to the Work Queue.
These options are all available to you in the Path configuration section seen below.
Conditional Edge Paths
Conditional Edge Paths can be added to Steps to define an alternative route that a Record might need to follow if specific conditions are met. Conditions can be set up based on Fields defined in your Workflow. Different Field Types have different operators that can be used to define conditions when setting-up Conditional Edge Paths.
Conditional Edge Paths are denoted by blue arrows on the Workflow Canvas.
How to Set Up Conditional Edge Paths
There are two methods that can be used to set up Conditional Edge Paths.
Method 1: Add a Conditional Edge Path via the Field defining the condition
If you have a Field that you want to base conditional routing on, you can set-up a Conditional Edge Path from that Field.
1. Click on the gear icon next to the field to view the Settings panel.
2. Click on the Routing icon (the criss-crossing arrows).
3. In the modal window that appears, you'll see that the Field drop-down has been pre-populated with the name of the Field from which you started. Click on the Operator drop-down to select the appropriate operator for the conditional logic you wish to apply.
4. If applicable, select a Value that will be used to evaluate whether a condition is "True" or "False." (The Value drop-down will appear for the following Operator types: Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Not Contains, Greater Than, Less Than. Refer to Conditional Operators for a full list for operators and the corresponding fields.)
5) In the Next Step drop-down, select the Step that you want to send the Record to if the condition is evaluated as "True."
6. If you'd like to allow the Record to be assigned to a specific individual on the Path you are creating, you can check the appropriate setting under the "Default the next assignee to" section of the modal.
7. Finally, click Save EDGE to complete the creation of your Conditional Edge Path. You should now be able to see the Conditional Edge Path you just created in the "Paths" section at the bottom of the Step configuration page.
Method 2: Add a Conditional Edge Path via the Paths configuration section
Alternatively, you can set up a Conditional Edge Path from the "Paths" section at the bottom of the Step configuration page.
1. Scroll down to "Paths" section in in the Step configuration page. Click the drop down arrow next to "Conditional Edge Paths" and click Add Conditional Edge Paths.
2. A modal window that allows you to configure a Conditional Edge Path will appear. Follow Steps 3 to 7 above to create a Conditional Edge Path.
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