How to configure access-based home screens to determine the homepage for your end users.
Access-Based Home Screens allow Builders to set a default, custom Risk Cloud Dashboard for each Application so users see information which is most relevant to their specific role.
Configure Access-Based Home Screens
Before configuring Access-Based Home Screens, please ensure you have created a dashboard for every Home Screen and configured User Roles.
1. Navigate to the Build canvas and select Home Screens from the side panel
2. Click + New Home
3. Risk Cloud will open the "Configure Home Screen" modal. Select a Dashboard from the left panel, then click the Next button in the top-right corner.
4. After clicking Next, Risk Cloud will navigate to "Step 2: Set Access".
Use the drop-down to select a Role, User Group or Individual User to give Access to the new Home Screen. Note that users in the assigned role(s) will be able to view their assigned Home Screen regardless of the module entitlements that are part of their role. More information on module entitlements can be found here.
If “Give access to all roles and users” is checked, you can choose to set this Home Screen as the default Home Screen for this application. Users who do not choose to use another Home Screen will see this Home Screen by default.
After you have selected all the Roles and Users that will have Access to this Home Screen, click Next.
5. Finally, add a "Name" and "Description" to the Home Screen, then click Save.
6. The newly created Home Screen will be visible on the Application:
Set Your Home Screen
1. Navigate to an Application's Home Screen, and click Configure Home.
2. Select a Home Screen from the left-side panel and click Save to update the Home Screen for the Application.
Set a Default Home Screen
Users with Build access to an Application can designate a Default Home Screen for the Application. When a Default Home Screen is configured for an Application, end users will see the Default Home Screen rather than needing to select one from the list of available home screens, unless they have already selected a different home screen. Even if a Default Home Screen is configured, users still have the ability to select their preferred home screen by clicking Configure Home as described in the previous section.
To configure a Default Home Screen, a user with Build access to an Application must follow the instructions in the “How to Configure Your Access-Based Home Screen” section. On "Step 2: Set Access", check the “Give access to all roles and users” checkbox. This will enable the Default Home Screen checkbox:
On "Step 3: Describe and Summarize", the read-only “Set as Default Home Screen” indicator will say Yes.
After entering a Home Screen Name and clicking Save, you will see a Default badge appear on the Home Screen tile on the Home Screen Configuration page. There can only be one Default Home Screen per Application.
What happens if I override the Default Home Screen for an application?
If a user with Build access to an application designates a new Home Screen as the Default when there is already a Default Home Screen for the same application, the original Default Home Screen will be overridden by the new one. This means that any end users using the previous Default Home Screen will immediately start seeing the new one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I give Users Access to multiple Home Screens?
- Yes - nothing prevents builders from providing a given user, user group, or role access to multiple home screens.
Can I make one Home Screen available to multiple users, roles, or user groups?
- Yes - There is no limit on the number of home screens to which a given user or role can be given Access.
How can I edit an existing Home Screen?
- By clicking the 'configure' button on the home screen tile:
What will my end users see when they log in?
- It depends on how you've configured Home Screens for the Application your users are viewing. If exactly one Home Screen has been configured for a given user (e.g., one Home Screen which is "Available to All Users"), the user will see that Home Screen by default and will not need to select a Home Screen.
- If more than one Home Screen has been configured for a given user (e.g., multiple Home Screens which are "Available to All Users" or multiple Home Screens for a given role/user):
- If a Default Home Screen has been designated, the user will see the Default Home Screen.
- If no Default Home Screen has been designated, the user will need to click Configure Home and select the Home Screen that they would like to use.
Which users will see the Default Home Screen?
- End users who have not clicked Configure Home and selected a different Home Screen will see the Default Home Screen upon navigating to the application. End users who have explicitly selected the radio button for a different home screen will see their selected home screen, even if a different Home Screen is designated as the default for the application.
What happens if I override the Default Home Screen for an Application?
- If a user with Build access to an application designates a new Home Screen as the Default when there is already a Default Home Screen for the same application, the original Default Home Screen will be overridden by the new one. This means that any end users using the previous Default Home Screen will immediately start seeing the new one
How do the "Display My Work Table" and "Auto-Collapse Table Reports" toggles work?
- These toggles give individual users the flexibility to choose whether or not they want to see the My Work table and whether or not they want Table Reports to be auto-collapsed, respectively, on their Home Screen. These settings are per-user, per-application and cannot be controlled for other users by an admin.
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