Automatically set Due Dates in Risk Cloud
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be used in Risk Cloud to automatically set a Due Date for a Record. This is done in order to establish a standard number of days and/or hours that a user has to complete the Record before it is considered overdue. There are two types of SLAs: Workflow SLAs and Step SLAs.
Workflow SLAs
A Workflow SLA can be set through the Workflow Modal. Right-click in the background of the Workflow and click Edit Workflow.
In the Workflow Modal, navigate to the Advanced tab. Check Enable Workflow SLA. Specify the number of days and/or hours that you would like to set for your Workflow SLA. If the Record does not reach the End Step of the Workflow within this timeframe, it will be considered overdue.
Step SLAs
A Step SLA will allow you to set the number of days and/or hours a Record can be in a Step before it is considered overdue. A Step SLA can be set within through the Step Modal. You can navigate to the Modal by:
- Right-clicking on the Step and clicking Edit Step Settings or
- Clicking Configure Step within the Step Builder
Once the Step Modal pops up, navigate to the SLA Tab. Check Enable Step SLA and Specify the number of days and/or hours that you would like to set for your Step SLA. Refer to Using SLAs to Automatically Set Due Dates for a Step for more information about Step SLAs.
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