Use SLAs to automatically set Due Dates for a Workflow
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be set to establish a standard number of days and/or hours within which a Record must be completed before it is considered overdue.
How to set a Workflow SLA
1. Navigate to the Workflow Canvas of the relevant Application. Right-click in the background of the appropriate Workflow. Click Edit Workflow.
2. In the Workflow Modal, navigate to the Advanced tab. Check Enable Workflow SLA. Specify the number of days and/or hours that you would like to set for your Workflow SLA. If the Record does not reach the End Step of the Workflow within this timeframe, it will be considered overdue.
This Workflow SLA will set the default Due Date for each newly created Record. The time to completion is set to the number of days and/or hours defined above.
Because of this, the SLA will not allow a Due Date to be chosen outside of the timeframe defined by the SLA. The Due Date may be set earlier than the defined SLA if the user chooses to do so.
If desired, you may also use this SLA to drive reminder notifications. Review the Creating Due Date Jobs if you would like to learn more about how to create these notifications.
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