Managing Date Fields when your Risk Cloud users live across multiple time zones
This article assumes that you have set up a Workflow with either a Due Date or Date Picker field.
Time zone of dates on Records in Risk Cloud
In Risk Cloud, all dates and times dynamically update based on the local time zone configured on end users' devices. If you are located in Central Standard Time and you create a Record, all dates specified in Due Date or Date Picker Fields will be in Central Standard Time. The date will update to match the time zone of any user viewing the Record. For example, if you created a Record with a due date set to December 15, 2021 at 8:00 PM, a user in British Summer Time will see the due data as December 16, 2 AM in all Records and Reports.
Time zone of dates in exported files
Table Reports and Record Reports can be exported using an API or by navigating to the bottom of the Report.
The time zone in any Date Fields in the export file will depend on the time zone specified under your Profile settings. You navigate to your Profile by clicking on the user icon in the top right and clicking Profile.
If you wish to export dates in a different time zone, you can do so by adjusting the time zone in your Profile settings by clicking Edit Profile.
If the time zone listed in your Profile and the time zone your local device is configured to do not match, all Records you create will be based on the time zone of your local device, but the time zone of the dates in export files will be based on the time zone listed in your Profile.
Time zone of dates in Job emails and notifications
The time zone of a date displayed in a Job message (email or Slack notification) depends on whether or not the option to send one email to all recipients has been checked while creating the Jobs message.
When Group Email is Enabled
In group emails, where all recipients are included in the "to:" field, dates within the email will adopt the timezone configured under Admin Settings for group emails. This is noted when Dates within the email will include the timezone next to them, for example, "10/18/23, 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time."
When Group Email is Disabled
If individual emails are sent, the dates contained in the email will be displayed in the time zone listed in the Profile of the user receiving the email, as is indicated by the images below.
For a user in Central Standard Time, the date appears as follows:
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