How to make mass changes to data in a single Field across multiple Records at the same time using the Bulk Field Updates feature.
When running your risk program, you may need to make large changes to data or record-level permission access in your Records such as:
- Updating all Due Dates in your Control Repository to a new date to begin the audit process.
- Changing the Business Unit in a Select Field on a set of Enterprise Risks, because a new Business Unit has been formed in your company.
- Editing the Third Party Owner on a User Field, because they are no longer a member of you organization.
- Adding or removing users for multiple records due to organizational role changes.
Like always, you could enter each Record one-by-one and change the necessary data. You can now make all of these changes at once with the new Bulk Update Fields feature.
Access the Bulk Actions Page
The Admin - All or Bulk Updates Fields Module Entitlement is required in order to access this feature. View your Roles or ask your Risk Cloud administrator if you're unsure if you have this access.
Navigate to the Work > Update Fields page to access the feature.
Use Bulk Update Fields
Find Your Data
To begin the bulk updates, select:
- The Workflow where you would like the data to be changed.
- The Field that you would to change the data in.
- You can only select discrete Fields (i.e. Radio, Number, Select, User, Date).
- The Step the Records you would like to change reside in. (Optional)
Click Search Records to produce a table of all Records with the criteria you identified. The results table will only show Records from Steps to which you have Edit access. Because of this, not ALL Records in the Step or Workflow maybe displayed. You can also search, sort, and filter on the Records in the table like a normal Table Report.
Update the Data
Depending on the type of Field you have selected, different options for the change will appear:
- Select, Radio: Replace Field Value, Clear Field Value
- Multi-Select, Checkbox: Add New Field Value(s), Remove One or More Field Values, Remove All Field Values
- Number: Use a New Number, Adjust Current Value By, Clear Current Number
- Date Picker, Due Date: Set Date Relative to Today, Set Date Relative to Current Value, Set New Date with Date Picker, Remove Date
- Groups and Users: Add new group(s) or user(s), Remove group(s) or user(s), Remove all. See Bulk Update Record-level Access
To select the specific Records you would like to change, you have the option to individually select Records, select all Records on a page, or select on Records in the table. Once you select an update option and at least one Record, click Update Field Values to start the changes.
Note: If you are updating the Due Date Field, updating Due Dates on Records may trigger any Jobs that you have configured using that Due Date.
Depending on how many Records you select, the time to update may vary. You can start a new bulk action, or you can head to the "Review Bulk Actions" tab to check the status of your updates.
Bulk Update Record-level Access
With Bulk Update Fields feature, you can efficiently update record-level access in bulk across multiple records, instead of updating access for individual records one by one. You can use feature when records are imported to Risk Cloud in bulk or when record-level access permissions need to be adjusted due to organizational changes (e.g., new teams, roles, or access restrictions).
On Update Fields page, in Field to Update, select Groups and Users under System Fields tab. Then click Search Records.
To select the specific Records you would like to change, you have the option to individually select Records, select all Records on a page, or select on Records in the table. In the Update Field Value Section, you can add new group(s) or user(s), remove group(s) or user(s), or remove all. Once you select an update access option and at least one Record, click Update Access to start the changes.
Review the Data
To see the current status of your bulk update, click on the Review Bulk Actions tab. You will see all the bulk updates you have made in the past, as well as the current one that may still be in progress. The status will inform you whether your update is complete, in progress, or queued. A queued status means that your update is waiting to start. In order to see the latest status, you will need to refresh the table. You can also search, sort and filter this table if you are looking for a specific update. When the update is complete, you should see a green banner notification informing you of its successful completion.
It is possible that some Records in your update may have failed to update successfully. If this is the case, you should see on the Review Bulk Actions tab the number of failed updates in the table. Click Retry Failures next to the number of failed updates to run the bulk action again on the Records that failed. When you refresh the table, you will see the status of the retry.
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