Automated Evidence Collection is now available to all Controls Compliance Premium customers. Ask your LogicGate Account Team to learn how this new capability can help your teams automate tedious tasks and stay audit-ready.
This article will help you create and configure automations once Automated Evidence Collection has been enabled for your environment. For more information about enabling AEC, please see this article.
You can also view a demo of AEC functionality here:
Automated Evidence Collection (AEC)
Risk Cloud's Automated Evidence Collection solution enables you to set up automations to collect evidence from various sources.
Once enabled and added to a Workflow Step, the following section will appear on all Records in that Step for users to set up automations.
Clicking Create New Automation
at the bottom left of the section will allow you to configure evidence automations in a 3-tab modal.
Recommended Setup:
The recommended approach is to set up your automation on the control, with the evidence added to your control evaluation or evidence Workflow.
The automation will then create a record in the control evaluation or evidence Workflow, link the new Record to your control and add the evidence file to the newly created Record.
- Please Note: Workflows must be properly mapped to the Workflow where automation is configured to be selected in the automated evidence setup as described below.
Evidence Sources
Risk Cloud offers over 100 out of the box Evidence Sources. These Evidence Sources are integrations that can be used specifically with Automated Evidence Collection to automate the collection of evidence.
Setup New Evidence Automation:
Tab 1: Evidence
The first tab will allow you to name the automation and select the source of the evidence file.
- Please note: More details on how to configure automations for each evidence source are below, under "Evidence Source Details."
Tab 2: Automation Setup
The second tab is where you will configure automation details for where evidence records should be created and when.
Tab 3: Review
The third and final tab will display a visual readout/summary of the information entered for you to review.
Evidence Source Details:
When configuring automations for evidence collection, each evidence source will require its own form of validation. Here are more details about the sources currently supported:
- Custom Endpoint: Configure Risk Cloud to request a file from any third-party system endpoint set up to send a file. For more information, view Pull Evidence from Any Source Using a Custom Endpoint.
- Google Drive: Download, convert to PDF, and attach Google Drive files to Risk Cloud as evidence files.
- Configure automations for Google Drive:
- In Tab 1: After agreeing to the two outlined terms and checking the boxes (see image above), select a Google Drive file and bring up Google's authentication modal.
- Configure automations for Google Drive:
Please Note: for Google Drive to show in the list of sources for AEC, it will need to be enabled via the Admin>Integrations page within Risk Cloud (see image below).
- Select a file from Google Drive that will appear on the configuration modal in Risk Cloud once authenticated via Google.
Risk Cloud: Pull data from any Table Report in Risk Cloud (e.g., Risks, Assets, Incidents, etc.), save it as a CSV, and store it as evidence.
- Configure automations in Risk Cloud:
- If you choose Risk Cloud as your evidence source, any Table Report can be used as evidence. Select the application and Table report you wish to use, and it will be automatically converted to a CSV and added to a Record as evidence.
- Configure automations in Risk Cloud:
- Manual Upload: Automatically create and link new Records to the parent Record (i.e., link evidence request to control).
- Configured Automations: Once added, configured automations will display in the related subsection on the Record.
- Users can do the following with their already configured evidence collection automations (based on that user's permissions):
- Edit: Make changes to any of the configured automation
- Run now: After checking an evidence file, if you need to re-run the automation for a more up-to-date file.
- Disable: Disable the automation/stop it from running without deleting the setup.
- Delete: Delete the setup entirely.
Collection History:
After any automation runs, its history becomes available in the related subsection by clicking the Collection History
tab. This tab contains the following information:
Date Collected: When the evidence was collected.
Source: The source from where the evidence was collection.
Details: Whether the evidence collection automation succeeded or failed.
- Linked Record: A link to the Record that was created from the automation.
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