Overview of the various types of Fields that can be created and used within Risk Cloud
Fields are elements that can be added to a Step (i.e., form) within a Workflow to capture data from or display data to end users. The following Field Types can be created:
- Text - A small text box used to enter text that can fit on one line (e.g., names, titles, or short descriptions).
- Text Area - A large text box for writing long descriptions or multiple rows of text. Rich Text can be enabled on Text Areas to allow for formatting of text (e.g., bold or italicized font, bullet points, URLs).
- Text Concatenation - Combine multiple strings across fields into one cohesive string.
Numbers and Dates
- Number - An integer Field that only accepts whole numbers.
- Standard Calculation - Accepts mathematical formulas using numerical values and mathematical operators. Calculations can be based on other Fields in the Workflow that have numeric values associated with them.
- Date Calculation - Allows users to calculate the number of days between two Date Fields. These calculations do not accept mathematical formulas and instead add or subtract the number of days between two dates (e.g., between a record's Completed Date and Created Date). You can read more about Date Calculations here.
- Date Picker - Presents the end user with a Date Picker calendar widget to select a date in the past or future.
- Linked Records Count - Displays the number of linked records from a directly mapped workflow.
- Radio - Will display one or many items on a form with all options displayed in a list. A radio circle is next to each option that can be selected or unselected. Only one item can be selected by the end user.
- Checkbox - Will display one or many items on a form with all options shown in a list. A checkbox is presented next to each option that can be checked or unchecked. The end user can select multiple items.
- Select - A drop-down list of items. Only one item can be selected by the end user.
- Multi Select - A "type ahead" list of items. The end user can select multiple items.
Users and Documents
- User - A select list of users from the platform. The list of selectable users can be defined with individual users or roles. Note: You can also add an External User who is not in Risk Cloud. For more information about External users, refer to our Help Center article here.
- Attachment - Presents the end user with a file picker to upload a document from their local machine. The user can browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the upload area.
- E Signature - Will display one or many items with a checkbox next to each option. After the user selects one or more of the checkboxes, they can click a 'Sign' button and an electronic signature of their user name will be displayed along with a date and time stamp. The field can optionally be enabled to be 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.
In addition to these Field Types that Admin users can create, there is also a special system-generated field, the Due Date Field.
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