This article is specific to the Jobs Redesign. The Jobs Redesign is an overhaul of the Jobs infrastructure to create a Job experience to make it easier to build or update Jobs, as well as simplify the understanding of what will occur when a Job is triggered.
If your Risk Cloud environment is not on this version yet, view the original "Create Jobs" article here.
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How to set up a Job to notify your users that they have outstanding work to complete
Jobs allow users to perform automated actions such as sending email notifications or kicking off Workflows based on specified Triggers. A commonly used Trigger is based on the Due Date of a Record. Due Date Jobs are typically used to send users recurring notifications reminding them to complete a Record a certain number of days before a Record is due. The frequency of the notifications and the number of days before the due date they should be sent can be configured based on your requirements.
Step-by-step guide on setting up Due Date Jobs
1. Navigate to Build > Jobs and click + New Job button.

2. Select Record Due as the Trigger type.
3. Once the Job Trigger (Record Due) is selected, fill out the following information to dictate the Workflow, the Record Step where the Job is triggered, and when and how often notifications are sent:

Workflow: Select the Workflow for which you would like the Job to be active.
Record Step: Select the Step where the Record is located that you would like to trigger a notification for. Typically this would be the "In Progress" step. Alternatively, you could select Any Step to have the Job execute regardless of where the Record is.
- Schedule Execution: Select either a one-time notification or a repeated cadence.
Starting: Enter the time before the Due Date you would like notifications to be sent. For example, if you enter 7 Days, notifications will be sent out to users beginning 7 days before the Record is due.
Ending (Optional): This can be set to specify when the Job should stop executing after the Due Date has been reached. This is an optional input.
Frequency: Specify the frequency with which you would like notifications to be sent. For example, if you select 1 Day, notifications will be sent every day before the Due Date is reached.
4. When you are finished, click Save Trigger. You must now either Add an Operation or Add a Condition to take place when your Job is triggered. To create notifications for your Record Due Trigger, select Add an Operation.
Once selected, you'll be able to choose between 'Message Operations', 'Record Operations', or 'Other Operations'.
In the Message Operations section, you'll see the following options:
Send Email: The Send Email Operation allows you to create the email message the user receives. The body of the email can include images and can be formatted. Emails can also include Field Variables that populate with the Field values of the Record associated with which the Job is being triggered. This is to provide greater context to the user receiving the email. Refer to Include dynamic Field results to Job messages for additional information.
- Send In-app Notification: The Send In-App Notification Operation allows you to create a message that the user will receive within Risk Cloud itself. The notification will show up under the bell icon at the top right corner of the Risk Cloud environment.
Send Slack Message: If you have the Slack Integration enabled you can also use the Send Slack Message Operation. This allows you to create a Slack notification that is sent to users. Like with the email notification, you can include Field Variables to create contextual messages.
For any Message Operation, you must fill out Recipient information.
Recipients: This allows you to select the users who will be receiving the notification. Typically, "Current Assignee" is used for Record Due Jobs. This will ensure that the user currently assigned the Record receives the notification. Current Assignee can be selected by clicking on "Send to users in User Fields", selecting the appropriate Workflow, and navigating to System Fields.
5. Once you have completed your Message and Recipient information, click Save Operation.
6. If you are done adding Operations, confirm your Job Name and click Publish Job to save your newly created Job. Note: Jobs will not save until the Publish Job button is clicked.
Additional Resources
You can find more general information about setting up Jobs and the features available from the Creating Jobs article.
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