Building a new Workflow to store your data in Risk Cloud
What is a Workflow?
A Workflow is a combination of Steps, Paths, Fields, and Routing Logic that combine to form a system in an Application. Records move within Applications through Workflows. Each Workflow has a single type of Record that moves through it.
The Application Canvas is where Workflow Steps, Routing Logic, and relationships for a particular Application can be configured.
The image below shows the Workflow Canvas for an Enterprise Risk Management Application. The Application consists of three Workflows: Risks, Assessments, and Mitigations. The circles and arrows denote the Steps comprising the Workflows and the Paths connecting them respectively.

When Should you Create a Separate Workflow?
When multiple Records need to be linked to a single Record. For example, multiple mitigations may be required for a single risk assessment, so mitigations and assessments are captured by separate Workflows.
When one Record needs to be linked to multiple Records. For example, controls might have to be linked to both risks and policies.
If you want to be able to perform activities in parallel. For example, you might want to send out multiple approval requests at a time.
When want to capture different Due Dates. For example, you might want to have two sets of due dates, a "Next Review" Due Date and a "Certification of Insurance Expiration" Due Date, for a vendor. These could be implemented through having a 'Review' Workflow and 'Certificate of Insurance' Workflow.
Step-by-step guide to create a new Workflow
1. Navigate to Build > Applications and click into the appropriate Application.

2. Click + (located to the top right), or Shift+Click on the Application Canvas to create a new Workflow.

You may have the option to select the Workflow type if your environment has a Jira integration enabled. If not, the LogicGate Workflow type will be created by default.
3. Enter the Workflow Name (e.g. Risk Register) and then the Record Prefix (e.g. Risk), which is the prefix given to a Record as it moves through the Workflow. Click + Create Workflow to finish creating the Workflow.
Edit a Workflow
To edit a Workflow once it has been created, double click on the Workflow background color (alternatively, right-click on the workflow and click Edit Workflow). This will bring the user to the Workflow modal.
Features of the Workflow Modal
To edit the name of the Workflow, type it into the box under "Workflow Name"
To edit the name of the Record generated in the Workflow, type it into the box under "Record Prefix"
The Modal also allows users to set a Primary Field for the Workflow. The Primary Field provides a unique identification for the Record and will help end users quickly find recently viewed or favorited records.
The Maps Tab
Workflows can be connected by mapping Workflows using the Maps tab. Refer to the Connecting Workflows Together article to learn more about Workflow Mapping.

The Access Tab
The Access tab allows for a more granular control of access to individual Records within the Workflow. Restricting access via the Access tab is not recommended in most cases as access is controlled through Roles and Permission Sets on a Step level. (Roles and Permission Sets can be configured through Build > Access > Roles and Build > Access > Permission Sets. Refer to Getting Started with User Groups article for more information.)
The SLA Tab
Workflow Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be enabled by checking the section can be toggled on by checking Enable Workflow SLA in the SLA tab. The time within which a Record needs to be completed can be specified by typing into the "days" and "hours" boxes or by using the up and down arrows.
The Steps tab
The Steps comprising a Workflow can be viewed under the Steps tab. The tab provides information on:
- The Step name
- The Step type. Steps can be of three types: Origin Steps, which are the starting points of Workflows, Chain Steps, which are middle Steps in Workflows, and End Steps, which are the final Steps of Workflows. New Records can be created in the Origin Step of a Workflow from the Work Queue.
- Steps can be reordered by dragging and dropping them. Reordering steps feeds into various places throughout the Workflow which have drop-downs requiring the selection of a specific Step from a Workflow.
The Reset Tab
The Reset tab allows for the bulk deletion of all the records in the Workflow. Proceed with caution! This cannot be undone.
Delete a Workflow
To delete a Workflow, right-click on the Workflow, and click Delete Workflow. A dialog box will appear, asking to confirm the deletion. Type in the name of the Workflow and click Delete to permanently remove it from your Application. Proceed with caution! This cannot be undone.

Next Steps
After creating a Workflow, the next step is to create a Step to house your Fields and other routing logic. See Create a Step to learn more.
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