Add Fields to a Subsection to customize records to show applicable data to your end users.
Follow the steps below to add a Field to a Subsection:
1. Drag a Field from the "Workflow Fields" section located to the left of the Step Builder into the center of a Subsection.
Drop the Field into the Drop Fields Here placeholder section.
2. When the Field is first placed in the Step, it will be editable and required by default (as indicated by the red asterisk). To make the Field read-only, click on Enabled so that the display changes to Read-Only.
3. If you want to make the Field optional, click the asterisk icon. If a Field is made optional, users will not be required to provide an input before submitting the Record.
4. To remove a Field from being displayed on this Step, click the red X button. Note that this does not delete the Field itself, merely removes it from the Step. The Field will then reappear in the "Workflow Fields" section like at the beginning of Step 1.
5. To create a Conditional Edge Path based upon the input of the Field, click the Edge Path icon.
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