How to setup conditional Fields, Subsections or Sections that can be enabled or displayed depending on the inputs of other Fields
You may want to control whether parts of a form appear or disappear based on inputs to Fields on the form. A common use case is requiring comments if a person chooses "other" from a drop-down with multiple options.
In Risk Cloud, these conditional rules are defined on a Sections, Subsections, or Fields within a Step, such that they are enabled or disabled only when responses to a Field meet previously defined conditions. The process of configuring conditions on a form is described below.
Add a Condition
1. To add a condition to a Section or Subsection, click on the Gear icon next to the Section or Subsection you would like to add condition to, then click Add Conditions.
To add a condition to a Field, expand the Field setting panel by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the Field name. Click on the condition icon.
2. When you have clicked on Add Condition or the condition icon, a modal window that enables you to define the condition will pop up. Select the Field you would like to base the condition on.
3. After selecting the Field, you will be prompted to select an Operator and a Value to define the condition. Operators define the logic for when a form feature will be displayed. See the Conditional Operators article for more detail. After selecting the appropriate Operator and Value, click + Add.
Note: If you don't see a Field show up in the drop down menu, search for the Field typing the name into the search box.
Configure Conditions
Enable Conditions
After you have clicked + Add, you will be directed to a modal that allows you to enable/disable the condition and configure the display and logic types. The modal will also display all the conditions that have been applied on a step.
Conditions are enabled by default. Conditions can be disabled by toggling the Enabled switch. The color of the switch changes from green to gray to indicate that the condition has been disabled.
Configuring end-user view of forms with conditions
You can also configure how the Section or Field is displayed on a form when the condition is not met. If the Hidden display type is selected, the Section, Subsection, or Field will not appear at all until the condition is met. If the Inactive display type is selected, the Section, Subsection, or Field will appear to the user, but the user will not be able to enter any data until the condition is met.
Configuring conditional logic
If you have multiple conditions defined, you can also choose between AND and OR logic types.
Test that the conditions are working
The regions of the form on which conditions are enabled are hidden by default until the condition is met.
Once the defined conditions is met, the form will become active within the same screen. In the example here, the Field "Required Updates" is hidden until the option Assessment Requires Updates is selected for the Field "Assessment Review Decision."
Other Notes
- Conditions can be applied to Sections, Subsections and Fields.
If there is more than one criteria, they will each be evaluated sequentially until one is satisfied, and then the section will be activated (if the display type is set to "Inactive") or shown and activated (if the display type is set to "Hidden").
If there are Required Fields within the Section, the requirements will only be enforced once the conditions are met. In other words, if you make a Field required that is in a Section that is not shown or enabled, the end-user can still submit that piece of Work even if the Field is not completed. However, once that condition is satisfied on the Section/Subsection, the user will then be required to complete the Required Field.
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