Add Sections and Subsections to a Step to display Fields on a form.
- Please Note: LogicGate is investing in updating and optimizing the Risk Cloud platform's end-user experience. If the user interface looks different in this article than in your environment, please see the original version here and learn more about the Reimagined Record Experience here.
Sections & Subsections in Workflow Steps
To add or display Fields in a Workflow Step, you must first add a Section and Subsection to house the Fields. Follow the guide below to add Sections or Subsections to a Step:
1. Click on the Add Form Section at the bottom of the Step builder. Sections serve as physical placeholders for Subsections, which in turn house Fields.
2. To rename the Section, click the Pencil icon next to "New Section" and edit the name.
3. To delete a Section, click on the gear icon at the right of the Section and click Delete Section.
4. To add a new Subsection to a Section, click Add Subsection, located at the bottom-left of the Section. This will add the new Subsection to the page. To rename the Subsection, click the Pencil icon next to "New Subsection" and edit the name. To delete the Subsection, click on the gear icon located to the right within the Subsection and click Delete.
5. Once you've created a Subsection, you can begin to drag and drop Fields into your form. Refer to the Creating a Field to learn more about creating new Fields.
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