Understand the organizational feature of Multi-Page Steps
When configuring a Step with a large number of Fields and/or Sections, you can choose to split up the form into multiple pages. Not only does this lead to more effective organization for end users, but it can also reduce the time it takes for a form to load.
Add a New Page to a Step
To add a new page to a form section, navigate to the Step Builder of the appropriate Step through the Application Canvas. Click on Form Outline located at the top left of the Step Builder.
Click + New Page to create a new page.
You can name the first page of the form by clicking on the pencil icon near "New Page."
You can click on New Page in the Form Outline to navigate to the page you just created.
You can give the page an appropriate name and can create Sections and Sub-Sections and add Fields, Layouts and Relationship Reports the same way you do on single-page Steps.
You can move order the pages of a form by clicking on the Gear Icon next to the name of the page in the Form Outline. You can also choose to display a page only if a particular condition is met. Click Add Conditions to configure the condition.
The Form Outline and Progress Bar features allows end users to efficiently navigate and complete forms. The titles in the outline contain a link to that page within the form so that users can easily navigate between pages. The outline also displays items that either still need to be completed or are invalid and need to be addressed. Clicking on the item listed in the Form Outline will take the user directly to the associated Field.
Delete a Page
WARNING: Deleting a page will also delete all Sections on the page and Fields will be returned to the Workflow Fields and Global Fields area on the left. To avoid this, move all Sections to the appropriate new page before deleting the existing page.
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