New Home Screen, Jira Integration, and more!
Note: Information and screenshots in this article may be outdated. Please refer to relevant links for latest information.
Introducing a new Home screen experience
Use your new Home screen experience to pin any Table Reports (with filters, sort, and search) to the Home screen. With this release, each Application can have 1 Home screen that can be configured for all of your users. You will be able to configure the Home screen for any application you have permission to build.
The Home screen will be available to you to configure and use as long as you are configured as a primary user on your account. The Work Queue will still be available to you (via Work > Work Queue on the menu) to use during this time.
Starting November 16, we will begin to release the Homes screen feature to your end-users (secondary and limited users), which will route your end-users to the Home screen when they log-in. To ensure a seamless transition for your end-users, you will need to have configured your Home screen for each Application by this date.
For more information on how to configure your Home screen, you can review this help article.
Integrate your Applications with Jira
Connect your GRC programs with your technical workstreams with our new Jira integration. With just a few clicks, you can connect Jira workflows to a LogicGate workflow, and create, search for, and link Jira tickets directly from a Linked Workflow Section on your records. Then, stay up-to-date with the status of any linked Jira ticket from your linked records.
To add the Jira integration to your account, reach out to your Relationship Management or Customer Success teams.
For more information on setting up your Jira integration, please see this article.
Filter dates in Table Reports relative to today
Now you can apply a relative date filter based on today’s date on due dates in a Table Report. For example, you can create a Table Report to show overdue records by filtering due dates that are less than today’s date.
For more information, please see the Advanced Filtering for Table Reports article.
Download the field change history on a record
You are now able to export field history directly from a record. Selecting this option will provide you with a csv download of the 1000 most recent field changes on the record. The csv will contain information on what field changed, when it changed, who made the change, and what the change was.
A full audit history of the field changes can be retrieved using the API. For more information, please see the Auditing a Record article.
Note: Even the full audit history will only contain record changes from when this feature is released and forward.
And more!
Any rich text fields exported from a Table Report will be rendered in plain text in your CSV or Excel file.
All workflows in your builder will now have an edit cog to let you quickly navigate to its configuration settings
Improvements to overall page load times and record creation for records with many default value fields
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