- Access-Based Home Screen Migration Wizard: It is now even easier to configure Access-Based Home Screens, which was a feature initially release in Risk Cloud in May 2023. This Migration Wizard is a self-service migration tool to guide users through the process of transitioning table report-based home screens to dashboard-based home screens. More information on using the Migration Wizard can be found here.
- Use a Date Calculation Output in Standard Calculations: The output of a date calculation can now be used as an input to a standard calculations. This can be especially useful in the following use cases:
- Comparing the results of a date calculation to an SLA
- Using cross-workflow calculations to pull a date calculation value into a linked workflow
- Secondary Assignee Assignment Notification: Now when a Secondary Assignee is added to a Record, either by a primary External User or a Risk Cloud user, an email notification will be sent notifying the Secondary Assignee that they have been added.
- For Risk Cloud Quantify Users: Configurable Analysis Report
In the Risk Quantification Analysis Report, we've added the option to include the 10th and 90th percentile. As part of this initiative, we made some updates to how users can configure their analysis report. Users will be able to select which outputs they want included in the analysis report. The options will be as follows:
10th Percentile/90th Percentile (new)
Most Likely
In addition to configuring the outputs, we have redesigned the configuration to show a preview of the analysis report in the step builder.
- Allow Risk Cloud Users to Assign Secondary Assignees: In the past, Risk Cloud users viewing a Record could not add an Assignee; this was limited to the primary External User. With this release, a logged-in Risk Cloud user with access to the Record and the "Assign Module" Entitlement can assign a Secondary Assignee on a Record.
- Weekly Summary Email - Language Updates: The language used in Weekly Summary Emails has been updated to provide greater clarity to all users. Additionally, the number of Assigned Records in the "At A Glance" section of the email will now match the number of Records in the Assigned Work section of the email.
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