UXRI & Reimagining the Record Experience
User Experience Reimagined (UXRI) is LogicGate's initiative to optimize how Risk Cloud users interact with and complete their work. The UXRI initiative begins with a Reimagined Record Experience, enabling Risk Cloud users to streamline the Sections and Subsections within a Workflow Step into a single-column user interface.
1. The simplified, single-column UI provides a more intuitive experience for builders and end users, ensuring they follow the correct order when completing sections of a record.
Multi-Column UI (Before) | Single Column UI (After) |
2. The new navigation panel helps users quickly navigate through a record to fill out required fields in the sections and subsections they are most familiar with.
3. The Progress Indicators shown in our new navigation panel help end users gauge how much effort is required so they can easily plan their remaining work.
4. The new comments side panel will allow users to read comments as they edit a record, allowing them to collaborate with others easily.
- The image below shows how each of the four features above appears on a single form for end users:
Additional Resources
Please note: Help Center articles are available for the Reimagined Record Experience and for legacy solutions.
- For UXRI:
- For Legacy Solutions:
Frequently Asked Questions
Have concerns that the Reimagined Record Experience does not address one of your Risk Cloud use cases? That's okay! You can disable UXRI for any Workflow Step in Risk Cloud if needed. After turning off the new record experience, you can work with our Customer Success team to redesign the Workflow Step to fit your needs.
What is the Reimagined Record Experience?
- The Reimagined Record Experience is a new version of the record page. It's the first phase in LogicGate's UX Reimagined project (UXRI), where we will overhaul the User Experience across the platform. It's designed to be intuitive and easy to use so that end users can more efficiently complete compliance tasks.
How can I turn on the Reimagined Record Experience?
- Reach out to your Customer Success Manager! They will enable it in your Risk Cloud environment and walk you through any form changes as a result.
Can builders control where this experience is enabled?
- Yes! After the Reimagined Record Experience is activated in your environment all records will have the new User Experience.
- If you'd like to deactivate this experience for an individual Step, open the Step settings and turn off the new Reimagined Record Experience toggle (see below).
- If you'd like to deactivate this experience for an entire Application, go to the Application Edit modal and turn off the Reimagined Record Experience toggle (see below). This will disable UXRI for all Steps within your Application.
Will there be any changes to the builder experience?
- The builder experience will remain the same.
Will I need to make changes to any of my Workflow Steps?
- This is up to the builder's discretion.
One of the benefits of the Reimagined Record Experience is that the single-column profile makes it faster for users to navigate and complete a record. We recognize that not all steps were designed to be single columns, so we automatically introduced logic to shift the record layout from a multi-column to a single-column format. Please note that the record layout will not update until the user clicks 'Done' in the step configuration modal. See the first image in the article for a side-by-side comparison (before and after UXRI is enabled).
If I change the order of sections, subsections, or fields, will those changes remain after I switch the Reimagined Record Experience Toggle?
- RiskCloud will save the order of the fields, regardless of whether the Reimagined Record Experience is toggled on or off.
- If the builder changes the order of the fields when the experience is activated and then deactivates the reimagined record experience, the Fields will remain in the same order and revert to the previously defined width.
I have a use case that isn't suitable for the reimagined record experience; what can I do?
- Please create a feature request! We understand that our initial iteration of the reimagined record experience will not perfectly support every use case across our customers. We take your feedback seriously and look forward to improving our product.
Can I use custom color schemes on my record when the Reimagined Record Experience is activated?
- No, at this time, custom color schemes are not supported.
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