v. 2024.8.0 & 2024.8.1
- Work Summary Emails to Display Primary Field Names: In Email Summaries of assigned work, users will now see Records display the Name, which is the Primary Field. This update enhances the user experience by listing your internal naming conventions, providing a clearer, more informative list of task assignments. Please see our article on Email Summary of Assigned Work for further details.
- Bulk Link Records - Inputs for Both Primary Field or Record Name Accepted: As an additional enhancement to our redesigned Bulk Link Records tool, we've added a second input option for your users. Whereas previously, Primary Field values were the only acceptable input, you can now choose to input Record Name as well. The additional choice of input value options will allow your users to more clearly navigate the Bulk Link tool and reduce the risk for errors. Please see our article on Bulk Link Records for further details.
- Multiple Columns Displayed for Subsections Within A Step (Read-Only): We've added another feature enhancement within the reimagined Record experience in support of our User Experience Re-Imagined (UXRI) initiative! You will now be able to view Read-Only Fields in a two-column arrangement when UXRI is enabled. Note that this feature is designed to be a more comprehensive way to view this data, and is not a way to create multiple columns of editable fields. Please see our article on Create Read-Only Subsections and Display Multiple Columns in a Step for further details.
- Upgraded Experience for Evidence Sources (Automated Evidence Collection): Evidence Sources have been moved from the Admin tab to a new and unique Compliance tab within Risk Cloud. Access to this tab is no longer limited to Power Users; it is visible to all compliance stakeholders, including Program Admins and Control Owners. Additionally, access to the Compliance tab is a brand new Entitlement that can be granted to any Role, making it easier for teams to manage compliance together.
Please see Add Evidence Sources for Automated Evidence Collection for further details.
- Module Entitlement for Roles - New Entitlement Descriptions: In the effort to enhance the self-service experience when adding or editing Entitlements within Roles. We've included a short description of each Role Entitlement in the user interface, making it easier to understand and manage access for your users. Please see Module Entitlement for Roles for further details.
Work Summary Email - Admins Can View & Modify User Preferences: Within our Work Summary Email preferences, Admins can now view and modify notification preferences for users directly. This will give you the control to ensure the appropriate alerts reach the right people at the cadence you select. See Email Summary of Assigned Work for further details.
AEC Failure Notifications: Tired of chasing down automation failures? We’ve got you covered! Our new weekly notifications keep you in the loop on all Automated Evidence Collection job failures, so you can address issues with your evidence sources and integrations immediately. Stay ahead with a clear view of what needs attention, all from your inbox. Each user can individually configure their subscription and schedule to AEC failure notifications. See Create and Configure AEC Automations for further details.
New and Updated Content
GRC Content
- Cyber Essentials - The five controls covered in the Cyber Essentials certification represent the UK Government’s minimum baseline standard for cybersecurity - no matter your organization's size.
You can visit Risk Cloud Exchange, Risk Crowd, or connect with your LogicGate team member for more information and to get started with any of this material!
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