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v. 2025.1.0 & 2025.1.1
- Step Builder Preview: We have added a preview button to the Build experience, allowing builders to preview a Record as they make changes on the Step Builder. Please note that this is only available in Steps which currently utilize Risk Cloud's Reimagined UXRI experience. Please see Risk Cloud's Reimagined Record Experience for further details.
- Linked Records Count Field: We've introduced a new Field which will allow you to easily see the number of Linked Records within a Workflow! This is available when you have at least two Workflows mapped to one another. Please see Linked Record Count Fields for further details.
- Central Framework Indicator: A new Central Framework indicator is now available for Control Framework Workflows. This will be used on the Controls page, as well as for the Gap Analysis feature (coming soon). Please see Control Frameworks in Risk Cloud for further details.
New and Updated Content
GRC Content
- SCF 2024.4: This update includes two new controls and minor updates to existing control wording. Related mappings have also been updated across NIS2, NIST 800-171, NIST 800-53, and HIPAA.
You can visit Risk Cloud Exchange or connect with your LogicGate team member for more information and to get started with any of this material!
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