v. 2024.9.0 & 2024.9.1
SharePoint Integration for Attachment Field File Picker: Similar to our integration with Google Drive, our SharePoint integration aims to streamline document management within the platform! We've introduced a file picker for users to directly access and manage documents stored in SharePoint within Attachment Fields. Please see How to use Sharepoint Integration with Attachment Fields for further details.
- New Workflow Type - Control Framework: We've added an addition Workflow Type property to select within Workflows - Control Framework. This additional Workflow Type property was created to identify Control Framework properties, and enable future Features specific to the Controls use case. We hope to continue to add new Workflow Type properties in the future. Please see Workflow Types for further details.
- Bulk Update Record-Level Access (BUA): We've expandedthe functionality of Bulk Update Fields by allowing users to update access permissions (User Groups and Users) for multiple Records at once. This new feature addresses common pain points, such as when records are imported to Risk Cloud in bulk or when access permissions need to be adjusted due to organizational changes (e.g., new teams, roles, or access restrictions). Please see Bulk Update Fields for further details
- Underlined Links Across the Platform: We've improved our UX design across all Applications by making all clickable links underlined, in addition to the link name displaying in a blue font. This will make it easier for all users to distinguish links within text as separate from the rest of the text body.
- Text Concatenation Fields: We are excited to announce that the general release for Text Concatenation Fields is scheduled for October 2024! In the meantime, we have an open beta for this feature which is available for all customers. Please reach out directly to the LogicGate Product Support group to enable this feature in your environment. For further details on this feature, please see Text Concatenation Fields.
You can visit Risk Cloud Exchange, Risk Crowd, or connect with your LogicGate team member for more information and to get started with any of this material!
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